Do you want to become active?
Being active has so many health and wellbeing benefits, it’s never too late to start and we are here to help.
Did you know, you may be eligible for our free, 12-week Active Lives programme?
The programme is delivered by coaches who are fully qualified in prescribing exercise, including for people with medical conditions. Providing tailored support, advice and designing and guiding you through your own personal exercise plan.
Activities include
Live, online, exercise classes and on demand exercise videos
Group exercise classes
Walking netball, racquet sports
..and more!
How to access Active Lives
Active Lives is available across Cheshire East and delivered in a variety of ways so you can choose the right option to fit into your daily routine.
Choose from:
Our facility offer:
You will have an initial face to face consultation on week 1 with our friendly and supportive health coaches, with two other appointments held on week 6 and 12. We will also contact you on week 4 and 9 to check in and ensure you are progressing on the programme.
Get unlimited access to a range of Everybody Health & Leisure centres across Cheshire East with usage of the gym, swimming, exercise classes, racquet sports and much more. There is something for everyone and of all abilities!
Our online offer:
Would you prefer to exercise in the comfort of your home? Access our Active Lives programme through our online offer and access a range of live, exercise classes and on demand exercise videos.
Our community offer:
Access a range of exercise classes including circuit training and walks in the community.
Am I eligible?
If you are:
- A Cheshire East resident
- Aged 18 years and over
- Inactive, participating in less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week
- Living with either diabetes (medicated), hypertension (medicated) or are you overweight with a BMI of 30+
- Motivated to be active and a non-member of Everybody Health & Leisure
Come and join our free programme today.
How to get involved
If you would like to sign up to our Active Lives programme or find out more information, please complete a referral form using the links, or give us a call on 0300 123 5026 or email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk
Terms and conditions apply, click here to find out more.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Complete a referral form
After the 12-weeks
The hard work and dedication you have put into the programme won’t end after 12-weeks.
We are committed to supporting you in making lasting changes and helping you progress.
After finishing the programme, you will be offered a discounted membership to use at Everybody Health & Leisure facilities, or you can choose to pay per visit to continue your journey.
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