Benefits of Giving up Smoking

Published: 11 March 2025

Has National No-Smoking day got you thinking about quitting? For some, the idea of stopping smoking can feel intimidating, but the positives of giving up makes the challenge feel totally worthwhile. With the help of our brilliant Be Smoke Free team, we can support you on your stop-smoking journey. Here’s why you should think about going smoke-free, with some top tips for quitting from our team:

Improved Physical Health

When we stop smoking, we can feel the physical benefit after just a few hours. Being smoke-free for 48 hours means your lungs will be clearer and you’ll have a better sense of taste and smell. Fast forward to a year, and your risk of a heart attack would have halved compared to a smoker’s. One of our Be Smoke Free programme participants, Dee, spoke about how stopping smoking helped with her symptoms of COPD. Check out our article here.

Bradley’s Top Tip:

If you always smoke in the same place, for example in your garden, changing the layout of the space around you i.e. moving your garden furniture around, might help as you try and change your routine.

Better Mental Health

Smoking may be a habit you turn to when feeling stressed or anxious, when it could be making you feel worse. Smoking affects certain chemicals in the brain, which means you become more irritable and anxious when you crave another cigarette. Whilst smoking may provide short-term relief to uncomfortable feelings, studies have shown that your mood is unlikely to worsen when you quit smoking.

Natasha’s Top Tip:

A simple five-minute walk can help cravings and for some people cuts the urge to smoke. A lot of people smoke when they are stressed so something like going for a short walk in the outdoors can help relieve stress.

Reduced physical side effects

By stopping smoking, you’ll also notice a change in your physical appearance too. Our skin and hair need proper blood flow to ensure they look and feel healthy. After you stop-smoking, you might find your skin is clearer and your hair is thicker too. Nicotine and tar in cigarettes can also cause discolouration to our teeth and nails. Not only that, but smoking can also cause gum disease. After you stop smoking, the discolouration of your nails will grow out – showing a physical marker of your journey!

Natasha’s top tip:

It’s important to remember the reasons why you wanted to stop smoking in the first place, whether it’s for health, family, money, or other reasons. It good to write it down and put it somewhere where you can see it, so it reminds you every day!

Protecting Friends and Family

Stopping smoking doesn’t just have benefits for us, but our loved ones too! Studies show that exposure to second-hand smoke can increase the likelihood of a non-smoker contracting lung cancer by as much as 24% and heart disease by 25%. It’s easy for our busy home and work life to prevent us from making healthy changes. Our 12-week plan is tailored to meet your specific needs and is available at a range of times and venues, meaning you can access the support you need with ease.

Karolina’s Top Tip:

Recently one of my clients said: ‘Each time I feel like smoking, I count to 100, after that my craving is gone!’.

Are you ready to take your next steps to being smoke-free? Our team are ready to help you every step of the way, whether it’s over the phone, online or in-person. Find out more and sign up at Be Smoke Free – One You Cheshire East
