Terms and Conditions
Re-Shape Terms & Conditions
- To access Re-Shape, you must meet the programme eligibility criteria.
- At the point of registering, you are committing to the 12-week programme and meeting with a Weight Management Advisor on at least 3 occasions (week 1, 6 and 12). You will be expected to keep in contact with your Weight Management Advisor and respond to their calls and messages during the programme period and complete the required forms, weight assessment, and lifestyle questionnaires.
- You are required to attend an introduction appointment prior to starting the programme, to undertake pre-programme assessment.
- Throughout the 12-weeks you will be required to record your weight at least on three occasions, week 1, 6, 12.
- Upon completing Re-Shape in-person programme, you will be able to attend a monthly drop-in for monitor weight maintenance.
- Members who complete the Second Nature programme will have free lifetime subscription to the digital app and resources.
- Members completing the Slimming World programme can continue with Slimming World as a chargeable member if they wish
- Upon completing the Re-Shape in-person or online programme, you can re-enter the programme twice per year, or three times within three years. On completing Second Nature and Slimming World programmes future access is not permitted.
- If you are an existing Slimming World member and cancel your membership to access the One You Cheshire East Slimming World intervention, a 6-month grace period between cancellation and joining One You is permitted.
- We will not freeze or suspend your place during the 12-week programme unless you have exceptional circumstances.
- You must notify us of any changes to your health and medical history, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.
- Everybody Health & Leisure excludes liability for death, personal injury and loss or damage of any kind save where the death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of Everybody Health & Leisure or its staff.
- Everybody Health & Leisure reserves the right to withdraw or amend any of the above conditions or activities offered or to suspend the Re-Shape programme, or any part of the programme at any time, without notice.
- Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and used for processing your membership of the programme where applicable. We will share your data with Cheshire East Council commissioner of the service, and programme partners Second Nature and Slimming World where applicable.
- Privacy Policy We collect personal information, such as name, email, postcode, gender, birth date, occupation and interests when you sign up so that we can process your referral, manage your account, and give you products and services we think you would like. For more information on how we process your data please read our Privacy Policy
- Any further enquiries email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk
Active Lives Terms & Conditions
(Please scroll down for Bollington Health & Leisure Active Lives Terms & Conditions)
- This programme is only available for non-Everybody Health & Leisure members.
- To be eligible you must not have held a membership with Everybody Health & Leisure for over 12 months.
- To access Active Lives, you must meet the programme eligibility criteria.
- At the point of registering, you are committing to the 12-week programme and meeting with a Health Advisor on at least 3 occasions at one of the agreed sites (week 1, 6 and 12). You will be expected to keep in contact with your Coach and respond to their calls and messages during the programme period and complete the required forms and lifestyle questionnaires.
- Failure to attend appointments, without contacting us, will result in you being removed from the programme, (membership cancelled) and not being able to rejoin Active Lives for a 12-month period.
- Upon completing Active Lives, you will be offered a reduced cost membership. The amount is reviewed annually and many increase accordingly.
- Upon completing the programme, you will not be able to re-join the programme again.
- We will not freeze or suspend your membership during the 12-week programme unless you have exceptional circumstances.
- Activities included in Active Lives are only offered to the named holder of the membership.
- You are required to complete an ‘Activation’ appointment prior to using the gym and Active Lives members must sign a Health Commitment Statement prior to using the gym facilities. You must notify us of any changes to your health and medical history, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.
- Everybody Health & Leisure excludes liability for death, personal injury and loss or damage of any kind save where the death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of Everybody Health & Leisure or its staff.
- Everybody Health & Leisure reserves the right to reject any application for membership or a renewal of that membership without providing any reason for that rejection.
- Your One You membership card must be presented on every visit. Both your card and membership subscription are non-transferable, and the card remains the property of Everybody Health & Leisure.
- Please keep your membership card in a safe place, if you lose your card a £5.25 administration fee will be charged for a replacement card.
- Everybody Members should abide by the Customer Etiquette Guidelines on display in all our facilities. The facility management team has the right to refuse admission to any person who is behaving, in the view of the staff, in a dangerous or unsuitable manner.
- For security purposes, your photograph will be taken when your card is issued. This photograph is used for identifying the cardholder prior to granting access to the facilities.
- Everybody Health & Leisure reserves the right to withdraw or amend any of the above conditions or activities offered or to suspend the Active Lives programme, or any part of the programme at any time, without notice.
- Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and used for processing your membership of the programme where applicable. We will share your data with Cheshire East Council commissioner of the service.
- Privacy Policy We collect personal information, such as name, email, postcode, gender, birth date, occupation and interests when you sign up so that we can process your membership, manage your account, and give you offers of products and services we think you would like. For more information on how we process your data please read our Privacy Policy
- Any further enquiries email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk
Bollington Health & Leisure Active Lives Terms & Conditions
- This programme is only available for non-Bollington Health and Leisure members.
- To be eligible you must not have held a membership with Bollington Health & Leisure for over 12 months.
- To access Active Lives, you must meet the programme eligibility criteria.
- At the point of registering, you are committing to the 12-week programme and meeting with a Health Advisor on at least 3 occasions at Bollington Leisure Centre (week 1, 6 and 12). You will be expected to keep in contact with your Coach and respond to their calls and messages during the programme period and complete the required forms and lifestyle questionnaires.
- Failure to attend appointments, without contacting us, will result in you being removed from the programme, (membership cancelled) and not being able to rejoin Active Lives for a 12-month period.
- Upon completing the programme, you will not be able to re-join the programme again.
- We will not freeze or suspend your membership during the 12-week programme unless you have exceptional circumstances.
- Activities included in Active Lives are only offered to the named holder of the membership.
- You are required to complete an ‘Activation’ appointment prior to using the gym and Active Lives members must sign a Health Commitment Statement prior to using the gym facilities. You must notify us of any changes to your health and medical history, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.
- Bollington Health and Leisure excludes liability for death, personal injury and loss or damage of any kind save where the death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of Bollington Health and Leisure or its staff.
- Bollington Health and Leisure reserves the right to reject any application for membership or a renewal of that membership without providing any reason for that rejection.
- Everybody Health and Leisure members are not permitted to access Bollington Leisure centre as part of the membership.
- Bollington Health and Leisure members are not permitted to access Everybody Health and Leisure facilities as part of the membership.
- You must sign in when attending the centre. Your Active Lives membership subscription are non-transferable.
- Bollington members should abide by the Customer Etiquette Guidelines on display in our facility. The facility management team has the right to refuse admission to any person who is behaving, in the view of the staff, in a dangerous or unsuitable manner.
- Everybody Health & Leisure in partnership with Bollington Health and Leisure reserves the right to withdraw or amend any of the above conditions or activities offered or to suspend the Active Lives programme, or any part of the programme at any time, without notice.
- Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and used for processing your membership of the programme where applicable. We will share your data with Cheshire East Council commissioner of the service, Everybody health and Leisure provider of the contract and Bollington Health and Leisure delivery partner.
- Privacy Policy We collect personal information, such as name, email, postcode, gender, birth date, occupation and interests when you sign up so that we can process your membership, manage your account, and give you offers of products and services we think you would like. For more information on how we process your data please read our Privacy Policy.
- Any further enquiries email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk
Let’s Get Movin’ Terms & Conditions
- To be eligible you must not have held a membership with Everybody Health & Leisure for over 12 months.
- To access Let’s Get Movin’, you must meet the programme eligibility criteria.
- At the point of registering, you are committing to the 12-week programme and meeting with a Weight Management Advisor on at least 3 occasions at an agreed site (week 1, 6 and 12). You will be expected to keep in contact with your Weight Management Advisor and respond to their calls and messages during the programme period and complete the required forms and lifestyle questionnaires.
- Failure to attend appointments, without contacting us, will result in you being removed from the programme, and your membership cancelled.
- Upon completing Let’s Get Movin’, you will be offered a reduced cost family membership. The amount is reviewed annually and may increase accordingly.
- Upon completing the programme, you will not be able to re-join the programme again.
- We will not freeze or suspend your membership during the 12-week programme unless you have exceptional circumstances.
- Activities included in Let’s Get Movin’ are only offered to the named holder/s of the membership.
- Where age appropriate, you are required to complete an ‘Activation’ appointment prior to using the gym and Let’s Get Movin’ members must sign a Health Commitment Statement prior to using the gym facilities. You must notify us of any changes to your health and medical history, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.
- Children and young people aged 4 to 14yrs must attend with nominated family/carer, access will not be permitted.
- Everybody Health & Leisure excludes liability for death, personal injury and loss or damage of any kind save where the death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of Everybody Health & Leisure or its staff.
- Everybody Health & Leisure reserves the right to reject any application for membership or a renewal of that membership without providing any reason for that rejection.
- Your One You membership card must be presented on every visit. Both your card and membership subscription are non-transferable, and the card remains the property of Everybody Health & Leisure.
- Please keep your membership card in a safe place, if you lose your card a £5.25 administration fee will be charged for a replacement card.
- Everybody Members should abide by the Customer Etiquette Guidelines on display in all our facilities. The facility management team has the right to refuse admission to any person who is behaving, in the view of the staff, in a dangerous or unsuitable manner.
- For security purposes, your photograph will be taken when your card is issued. This photograph is used for identifying the cardholder prior to granting access to the facilities.
- Everybody Health & Leisure reserves the right to withdraw or amend any of the above conditions or activities offered or to suspend the Let’s Get Movin’ programme, or any part of the programme at any time, without notice.
- Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and used for processing your membership of the programme where applicable. We will share your data with Cheshire East Council commissioner of the service.
- Privacy Policy We collect personal information, such as name, email, postcode, gender, birth date, occupation and interests when you sign up so that we can process your membership, manage your account, and give you offers of products and services we think you would like. For more information on how we process your data please read our Privacy Policy
- Any further enquiries email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk
Stand Strong Terms & Conditions
(Please scroll down for Bollington Health & Leisure Stand Strong Terms & Conditions)
- This programme is only available for non-Everybody Health & Leisure members.
- To be eligible you must not have held a membership with Everybody Health and Leisure for over 12 months.
- To access Stand Strong, you must meet the programme eligibility criteria.
- At the point of registering, you are committing to the 26-week programme and meeting with a Health Advisor on at least 3 occasions at an agreed clinic (week 1, 3 and 6 months). You will be expected to keep in contact with your Health Advisor and respond to their calls and messages during the programme period and complete the required assessments and lifestyle questionnaires.
- You are required to attend a clinic appointment prior to starting the programme, to undertake pre-programme assessment tests.
- Upon completing Stand Strong, you will be offered a reduced cost membership. The amount is reviewed annually and many increase accordingly.
- Upon completion of the programme, you will not be able to re-join the programme for 2 years.
- We will not freeze or suspend your place or add additional weeks on during the 26-week programme unless you have exceptional circumstances.
- If you do not attend for two consecutive weeks, without notifying us, you will be removed from the programme and your place will be re-allocated.
- You must notify us of any changes to your health and medical history, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.
- Everybody Health & Leisure excludes liability for death, personal injury and loss or damage of any kind save where the death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of Everybody Health & Leisure or its staff.
- Everybody Health & Leisure reserves the right to withdraw or amend any of the above conditions or activities offered or to suspend the Stand Strong programme, or any part of the programme at any time, without notice.
- Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and used for processing your membership of the programme where applicable. We will share your data with Cheshire East Council commissioner of the service.
- Privacy Policy We collect personal information, such as name, email, postcode, gender, birth date, occupation and interests when you sign up so that we can process your membership, manage your account, and give you offers of products and services we think you would like. For more information on how we process your data please read our Privacy Policy
- Any further enquiries email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk
Bollington Health & Leisure Stand Strong Terms & Conditions
- This programme is only available for non-Everybody Health & Leisure and Bollington Health and Leisure members.
- To be eligible you must not have held a membership with Everybody Health and Bollington Health and Leisure for over 12 months.
- To access Stand Strong, you must meet the programme eligibility criteria.
- At the point of registering, you are committing to the 26-week programme and meeting with a Falls Tutor on at least 3 occasions at an agreed clinic (week 1, 3 and 6 months). You will be expected to keep in contact with your tutor and respond to their calls and messages during the programme period and complete the required assessments and lifestyle questionnaires.
- You are required to attend a clinic appointment prior to starting the programme, to undertake pre-programme assessment tests.
- Upon completion of the programme, you will not be able to re-join the programme for 2 years.
- We will not freeze or suspend your place or add additional weeks on during the 26-week programme unless you have exceptional circumstances.
- If you do not attend for two consecutive weeks, without notifying us, you will be removed from the programme and your place will be re-allocated.
- You must notify us of any changes to your health and medical history, which may affect your ability to exercise safely.
- Everybody Health and Leisure members are not permitted to access Bollington Leisure Centre as part of the membership.
- Bollington Health and Leisure members are not permitted to access Everybody Health and Leisure facilities as part of the membership.
- Everybody Health & Leisure excludes liability for death, personal injury and loss or damage of any kind save where the death or personal injury is caused by the negligence of Everybody Health & Leisure, Bollington Health and Leisure or its staff.
- Everybody Health & Leisure, contract provider, reserves the right to withdraw or amend any of the above conditions or activities offered or to suspend the Stand Strong programme, or any part of the programme at any time, without notice.
- Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and used for processing your membership of the programme where applicable. We will share your data with Cheshire East Council commissioner of the service, Everybody Health and Leisure and Bollington Health and Leisure.
- Privacy Policy We collect personal information, such as name, email, postcode, gender, birth date, occupation and interests when you sign up so that we can process your membership, manage your account, and give you offers of products and services we think you would like. For more information on how we process your data please read our Privacy Policy.
- Any further enquiries email OneYouCE@everybody.org.uk