Feeling the benefits - Stuart’s story

Our Move More service is a 12-week programme that provides free workout classes with qualified Health Coaches.

Stuart joined Move More to help improve his flexibility and mobility. He told us that prior to joining, he ‘didn’t exercise at all’ and that upon joining the sessions he has learnt a lot about the importance and benefits of exercising daily.

Stuart said: “Move More was recommended to me by my wife, and since joining, I’ve been given guidance and useful information that has really benefitted not just me but my wife too.”

With eight venues around Cheshire East, you’ll have access to great workouts on your doorstep - all free to local residents. Our sessions provide low-impact exercises in a range of aerobics, body conditioning classes and outdoor walking groups.

The exercises that Stuart has been taught in our sessions have not only motivated him to increase his exercise, but to include exercise in his everyday activity at home too. Stuart now looks forward to his Move More class each week and already is seeing the benefits of daily exercise for himself.

If you would like to take advantage of our workouts, you can join our programme by registering online. We will then call you to arrange the next steps with our certified Health & Wellbeing Coaches.