No regrets – Ron’s story
13th March 2024
Ron joined the Be Smoke Free service with One You Cheshire East, for that extra push to quit for good. Although Ron’s wife continued to smoke, he took this challenge on and was successful in quitting.
One You Cheshire East are there to support at every step of the way, and you're three times more likely to quit with our free support than if you go it alone.
Health Coach, Karolina was on hand to support Ron on his journey with Be Smoke Free, and offered multiple nicotine replacement therapy options, to which Ron used patches and lozenges. Ron told us how these helped to curb his addiction to smoking and aided him to quit for good.
Ron previously smoked 30 to 40 cigarettes a day, and after trying to give up on his own and failing multiple times, with our support he has now been smoke free for 12 months!
It’s never too late! Regardless of how long you’ve been smoking for, whether it be four for 40 years, you will still experience these amazing improvements to your health after you quit.
Karolina shared: “When Ron joined our group sessions, he was extremely motivated to stop smoking despite how long he had smoked for and how heavily he smoked. He made his life and health a priority, and with determination he achieved his goal.
“Since quitting, Ron hasn’t looked back or regretted making the decision to quit, making me very proud.”