No Smoking Day event

To celebrate ‘No Smoking Day’, One You Cheshire East held multiple events across our venues to spread the word of the success our supporting services offer.

Our Health Coaches visited Congleton Town Centre, meeting the public and speaking directly to them to spread awareness about the dangers of smoking, and to let them know of the support available to their local community from Be Smoke Free.

Whilst handing out leaflets and engaging with the community, we were joined and supported by MP of Congleton - Fiona Bruce, and Kate, who is the local Care Community Support Manager for Cheshire East Integrated Care Partnership, along with three members of Congleton Council.

Throughout the day we were able to engage with not only the people who wanted to quit smoking, but their families too, who also showed support for wanting their loved ones to make the quit.

We spoke with a previous participant who quit with our support, he told us:

The Be Smoke Free service is doing a wonderful job. I had pneumonia about four years ago and even showed signs of developing COPD, but since making the quit for good, it’s gone!

Since I stopped smoking with you four years ago, I’ve not had pneumonia again or been off work sick!

Our teams also visited -

Waters Green Medical Centre, Macclesfield

Ashfields Primary Care Centre, Sandbach

Eagle Bridge Medical Centre

to engage in focused discussions with patients on making the quit for good. Our Health Coaches were available to answer any questions on our Be Smoke Free service along with the other support services that are accessible on One You Cheshire East.